To help you better understand what to expect when you visit our practice, we will give some general information about the procedure below. We hope you’ll reach out to us with any questions you may have. Schedule a consultation with a member of our team so we can help you understand your options and determine the best course of action for your situation.
Dealing with missing teeth can be a potentially traumatic and overwhelming ordeal. We help our patients restore their beautiful smile – for the better – with our effective dental bridges. This approach uses your existing teeth to literally create a bridge to cross the area where your tooth is missing.
Bridges are typically cemented to your existing teeth or to implants surrounding the empty area. These implants are called abutments which provide an anchor for the bridge to attach to.
A replacement tooth will be attached to the crowns that cover the abutments. Crowns act as a cap or helmet that helps protect and cover the tooth that needs support or replacement.
We offer the best materials for bridges, including porcelain. We will help you decide the best material to use based on the location of the missing tooth (or teeth), its function, esthetic considerations, and cost.
Your new dental bridge will take the same care needed to maintain your natural teeth – the foundation of your bridge, like natural teeth, depends on the health of the surrounding teeth. Continue to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day and make sure you make your regular check-up visits with Dr. Morgan.
Monday - Thursday
8am - 5pm
Closed for lunch
1pm - 2pm
Sunday Closed
Taking care of missing teeth is critical to your dental health. Aside from detracting from your beautiful smile, not replacing a missing tooth can potentially cause structural changes in your mouth and jaw. We want to help you make the best decision for your individual health and situation.
Contact our team today to help you confidently decide on the best approach for you, whether it may be a dental bridge or implant restoration. Also, take a look at some of the other services we provide that help enhance your smile, like Natural Tooth Colored Fillings. We look forward to hearing from you!
We are a dental practice that takes pride in our ability to restore and enhance the natural beauty of your smile, using only the latest and most conservative technologically advanced procedures. The results of our efforts mean that our patients have beautiful and long-lasting smiles! We treat both the young and the young at heart.